As researchers, we have a lot of theoretical discussions about the significance of place and how we imbue place with meaning. A social construction of people bound together because of where they reside, work or have a history, a sense of place can offer many insights in our qualitative research.
Recently, I attended and facilitated sessions at the Qualitative Research Consultants Association’s (QRCA) annual conference in Savannah, Georgia — a city brimming with a unique sense of place.
As a sociologist, researcher and member of the International Special Interest Group, I thought it was important for the QRCA’s annual conference to include a learning opportunity that would immerse us in a cultural experience beyond the architectural and culinary tours of this beautiful city. Thus – the Gullah Geechee Experience was born — complete with historical storyteller, authentic Gullah Geechee dishes and an entertaining and educational dinner show.
I invite you to view a 4-minute peek at our immersion experience here: