What I’m Grateful for This Thanksgiving

“I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life, and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.” -Georgia O’Keeffe

Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for you — my clients and colleagues. You challenge and inspire me.

My Thanksgiving adventure? Santa Fe, New Mexico. Talk about inspiration! Amazing landscapes, colors and art.


New Mexico was Georgia O’Keeffe’s adopted home; she lived an authentic life. Based on her inspirational paintings, we would never guess she grappled with self-consciousness and fear.

I might have butterflies before the first group or interview, hoping that it will all come together, but I really have no fears when it comes to research. But many do and that’s natural. Here are some ways I center myself when I do research:

  • I arrive at the facility or research site 2-3 hours ahead of time if I can.
  • I create my own space, set the stage. This helps me feel at ease and empowered in the space.
  • I take the time to get to know my facility assistants and any new backroom clients. They’re my support — we’re in this research together.
  • I absorb the energy from any aggressive respondents. Don’t deflect it. Use acknowledgement so they feel heard, and seek to understand divergent perspectives.

What is there above the clouds? Or, what are we capable of beyond our fears?


Authentically Santa Fe, right?


If you’d like to learn more about Georgia O’Keefe or the topic of combating fear, browse these resources: